Saturday, July 23, 2016


Link: Core Values
Focus: Worship (1/7)
Day: 17/95
Pathway summary: Committing personally to having a lifestyle that glorifies God, expressive in praise and adoration, ultimately, in everything we do.
Justification: (Psalm 150:6; Colossians 3:23)
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Is it possible to worship soda?
It appears these are all building; prayer was harder than reading the Bible. Worship is harder than ether.
I started with prayer and direction to speak on this topic
Day 17 Conclusions / Thoughts

So I started to pray several days ago to capture things I might worship. Some of the answers I believe God has given me have been ... non-traditional answers to the question and have made me want to redefine the term. What does "worship" mean?

How about "worthiness-ship" - the vehicle that captures all of the things that are worthy about something or someone else?  This kind of makes sense if you think of worship as a vehicle. And perhaps it is.

In practice, for me, worship is far simpler - it is anything or anyone I look forward to instead of God.

  • Do you look forward to spending time with your kids when you get off work?
    You probably worship either kids in general or your family in particular.
  • Do you look forward to drinking some sort of refreshing beverage when you get off work?
    You probably worship soda or beer or whatever you drink after-hours
  • Do you look forward to intimacy with God?
    Then you actually worship God.
You can actually worship lots of things at once - the three above are examples of things I tend to worship. The point as relates to this challenge is that I need to drop the worship of things that are not Godly (and retain the ones that are - as long as they do not detract from my own faithfulness).

So I came to the conclusion that I worship (or have been worshiping) soda. And I took steps - I have stopped drinking soda as of last week (roughly when this post was supposed to be released).
This means that many of the foods I love are no longer as tasty - because they were really opportunities to "eat food with soda"; Pizza is a great example. I am uncertain why, but I associate eating pizza with soda.

The motivation should be simple. I realized that the Bible speaks to the body being a temple. As a human having a spouse, my body is not my own. I have been asked by every member of my family, at different times, to stop drinking soda. It has been just about a week - and I feel like I'm slipping back there.

So, for the duration of the challenge - I am no longer drinking soda.

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